Saturday, March 20, 2010

People above Times Square and below 54th Street on Broadway
March 20, 2010

Man on 53rd Street and 6th Avenue
March 20, 2010

People at the film desk at The Museum of Modern Art
March 20, 2010

People around Marina Abramović at The Museum of Modern Art
March 20, 2010


  1. You missed me...:) Best to you in this project! That's a lot of drawing!!

  2. your project is amusing.
    i think it's brilliant!

  3. dude that top one is pretty epic. hope your week is well. sincerely, adam c.

  4. The first one is so cool. I like them cause they look like 2 minutes drawings! I work at the generic viagra advertisement department and this type of sketches are my specialty. Nice job.

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